The chick may take a long break after pipping. This is the first break in the egg made by the small egg tooth on the chicks beak. Waiting to Hatch Chicksįrom day 18 to 21, watch for signs of pipping. Make sure you keep it around 60% humidity by using a hygrometer. But too high of a humidity can cause the chick to drown inside of the egg. With too low of humidity, the membranes can almost shrink wrap a chick and cause it to not hatch successfully. The humidity is important because it prevents the membranes from sticking to the chick as it struggles to hatch. Humidity is added by adding a wet sponge or shallow cup of water with a chick guard cover over it. The incubator goes into what is called “lock down”. At this point, the baby chicks are almost completely developed and need to get into the correct position for hatching. The Growth Period to Hatch Chicken EggsĬontinue to turn the eggs twice a day until day 18. An egg that is not developing appears empty although you may be able to determine the presence of the yolk. At this point it should be clear that a chick (maybe you only see a dark mass) is growing in the egg.

The recommended temperature for incubating chicken eggs is 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit with the relative humidity of 40 to 50%, and then bumping the humidity up to 60% during the final days of incubation.Īfter a week to ten days, using a candling light or small flashlight, check the eggs for development. Some incubators now have humidity and temperature control features along with automatic egg turners. With a broody hen in the nest, the hen will turn the eggs and rearrange them in the nest, naturally taking care of this need. Turning the eggs helps the developing embryo grow correctly. On the final turn, the X will again be on top. The first turn will place the X on the under side where you can’t see it. Twice a day, turn the eggs (if your incubator doesn’t automatically turn for you). For example, start with the eggs showing the X. (I numbered the eggs on one side because I had different breeds.) This enables you to turn the eggs and determine if you have turned each one. Mark one side of the eggs with an X using a pencil. Place the eggs in the incubator with the pointy end facing in or downward. The eggs should be clean of mud or manure, and never washed. If you receive the eggs in the mail, ask if the eggs are collected and mailed within a day or so. After 7 days, the viability of the egg starts to decline.

Get the freshest fertilized hatching eggs that you can. It’s good to turn it on and let it regulate for 24 hours before placing the eggs. Clean the incubator with a gentle, non-toxic soap or cleaner and allow to air dry. We highly recommend Brinsea Incubator products. Get everything ready before setting the eggs into the machine.

When setting up the incubator, plan ahead.
How to Hatch Chicken Eggs in an Incubator Set Up the Incubator Mixed breeds can also give you some wonderful egg layers, such as Olive Eggers and Easter Eggers. These are often not purebred chickens but can still be an excellent source of fresh eggs in the future. Some people will sell mixed farm bred hatching eggs for a small fee. When a rooster is present in the flock, hatching eggs can be obtained for the incubator from your own flock or from a neighbor or friends coop. One thing to keep in mind is that the more rare the breeds of chickens are, the higher priced the hatching eggs will be. With so many breeds of chickens available, this can take some research and thought. The first step to hatch chicken eggs is to decide which breed or breeds you want to raise. When no broody hen is available, buying hatching eggs to incubate (or using your own fertilized chicken eggs from your flock) is the other option. This is usually done while she is sleeping. If you have a broody hen, hatching eggs can be placed under her in the nest. Fertilized eggs require a rooster in your flock. What is a Hatching Egg?Ī hatching egg is the name for eggs that are freshly fertilized and ready to be incubated. If this is your start to a brand new flock, you will have the opportunity to care for your chicks from the moment you hatch chicken eggs. The entire process takes only 21 days for chickens.Īfter a few weeks of raising the chicks in a brooder, they will soon be ready to integrate into the coop with your other chickens. If you don’t have a broody hen willing to set on a clutch of fertile eggs, you will need to turn to hatching the fertilized eggs in an incubator. Learning how to hatch chicken eggs is a fascinating activity for you and your family.